10/30翻譯講座:Introduction to Audiovisual Translation: applications and research

紐西蘭奧克蘭大學Dr. Minako O’Hagan講座


2019年10月30日 (三)上午10:20-12:10




Introduction to Audiovisual Translation: applications and research


We live in an increasingly audiovisual world, giving rise to the importance of Audiovisual Translation (AVT) both in the industry and as a field of study in academia. AVT is an umbrella term used in translation studies to refer to a diverse range of translation modes to make audiovisual media accessible across languages and heterogeneous viewers with hearing or visual impairment. AVT may also be practiced by non-professional translators, giving rise to ‘fan AVT’.  This presentation is intended to be an introduction to this dynamic field with its expanding modes of application, followed by the types of research I am involved in, with reference to fan translation, impact captions and the use of Augmented Reality glasses in projecting captions.




Dr. Minako O’Hagan is an Associate Professor in the School of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics at the University of Auckland. Her technology-related research interests include fan translation, game localization, translation crowdsourcing and accessibility captioning in Augmented Reality (AR). Her current work also includes ethical and legal issues in non-professional translation in digital environments. She is involved in an EU-funded international research project INTERACT, coordinated by Dublin City University, to address the needs of crisis translation to increase preparedness and resilience of culturally and linguistically diverse communities in times of disaster.
